Thursday, February 16, 2012

UPDATE on the 40 Before 40 List...

A little while ago I posted my TO DO list before I turn 40. With just two weeks to go,  I'm definitely getting somewhere! Here' an update on my progress... 

1. Make a 40 by 40 list  {YAHOO ~ One down!}
2. Start a journal
3. Get into a regular exercise routine
4. Organize my office {THIS is a gigantic task!}
5. Get rid of everything in my house that isn't useful, beautiful or sentimental
6. Get a notebook dedicated solely to doodling
7. Destash the jewelry supplies, fabrics and trims I am no longer using
8. Write a published column  I write for Belle Inspiration magazine & have write occasional articles for Make Mine Pink as 'The Marketing Maven' and am being published in Shabby Lane Shops magazine.
9. Clean out every closet in my house
10. Go to bed earlier
11. Figure out a way to simplify my taxes
12. Get a one hour massage
13. Get back into my favorite old Levis
14. Buy myself a pair of Frye cowboy boots
15. Take a day trip with the hubby while kids are in school, end with dinner at our favorite restaurant
16. Go to Texas {planning a trip in April}
17. Reach 1,000 fans on my Facebook Business Page
18. Finish making some the jewelry I started {there's a lot}
19. Sell some of that jewelry on my other website
20. Go on a girl's weekend
21. Publish my ebooks
22. Get a mani/pedi
23. Go on a family day trip
24. Try making a new recipe
25. Redecorate my family room
26. Clean the basement
27. Scan the antique images I have in a pile upstairs
28. Read some new books ...any suggestions?
29. Donate all my past magazine issues to the nursing home in town
30. Go sledding
31. Get a big {organized} calendar dedicated to work
32. Learn that I don't have to own everyone else's problems
33. Hand-make some new Fall & Christmas decorations
34. Say 'no' more often
35. Leave comments on 50 new blogs
36. Host a giant blog giveaway
37. Take my 86 year old great aunt to a nice long lunch full of chatting and ending with fried ice cream
38. Switch out one cup of coffee for one cup of tea {note: this is for health reasons not a personal choice!}
39. Surprise the kids at school with lunch
40. Work on some of the new items/lines I started developing for Adored Before

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