A little while ago I posted my TO DO list before I turn 40. With just two weeks to go, I'm definitely getting somewhere! Here' an update on my progress...
1. Make a 40 by 40 list {YAHOO ~ One down!}
2. Start a journal
3. Get into a regular exercise routine
4. Organize my office {THIS is a gigantic task!}
5. Get rid of everything in my house that isn't useful, beautiful or sentimental
6. Get a notebook dedicated solely to doodling
7. Destash the jewelry supplies, fabrics and trims I am no longer using
9. Clean out every closet in my house
10. Go to bed earlier
11. Figure out a way to simplify my taxes
12. Get a one hour massage
13. Get back into my favorite old Levis
14. Buy myself a pair of Frye cowboy boots
15. Take a day trip with the hubby while kids are in school, end with dinner at our favorite restaurant
16. Go to Texas {planning a trip in April}
18. Finish making some the jewelry I started {there's a lot}
20. Go on a girl's weekend
21. Publish my ebooks
22. Get a mani/pedi
23. Go on a family day trip
24. Try making a new recipe
25. Redecorate my family room
26. Clean the basement
27. Scan the antique images I have in a pile upstairs
28. Read some new books ...any suggestions?
29. Donate all my past magazine issues to the nursing home in town
30. Go sledding
31. Get a big {organized} calendar dedicated to work
32. Learn that I don't have to own everyone else's problems
33. Hand-make some new Fall & Christmas decorations
34. Say 'no' more often
35. Leave comments on 50 new blogs
36. Host a giant blog giveaway
37. Take my 86 year old great aunt to a nice long lunch full of chatting and ending with fried ice cream
38. Switch out one cup of coffee for one cup of tea {note: this is for health reasons not a personal choice!}
39. Surprise the kids at school with lunch
40. Work on some of the new items/lines I started developing for Adored Before
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